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February 2023
Emmy wins a deep NOHS working group at the Sun Maid Kennel Club in Fresno, CA

April 2023
Sacramento Kennel Club;  Lodi, CA 
Yardley was Best Of Winners and Best Opposite Sex over specials, earning her a five point major! On day two she repeated the same wins for another five point major and earned her AKC championship.

Yardley Championship

CH Goldwynn's Christmas In Connecticut FDC "Yardley"
New Champion

June 2023
Contra Costa County Kennel Club; Vallejo, CA
After just three weekends in the ring, Cooper earns his championship going Best Of Winners during the famed Woofstock weekend of shows.


Cooper Championship

CH Goldwynn's Double Down  "Cooper"
New Champion

October 2023
Northern CA Standard Schnauzer Club Regional Specialty & Harvest Moon Classic weekend - Santa Rosa, CA
Emmy was Best Opposite Sex all three days she went in the ring and ended her weekend by winning the NOHS working group. 
Abby was joined in the ring by her offspring, Emmy & Leo, who helped her snag Brood Bitch at the regional specialty. 

GCHB Goldwynn's Duchess of Cambridge FDC ATT  "Emmy"

NorCal Specialty Abby Brood Bitch

AM CH/CAN CH Semper Fi Countess of Downton Abbey FDC ATT   "Abby"
NorCal Specialty Brood Bitch (Abby, Emmy, Leo)

December 2023
Callie earns the designation as a Standard Schnauzer Club of America Leading Producer. To qualify a bitch must produce four offspring that become conformation champions. 

AM GCH/CAN CH Goldwynn's Calamity Jane Von Stocker FDC ATT   "Callie"

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